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The Starting Point for Giving

Key Scripture: 2 Cor. 9:6-7 NIV
(Jesus said) Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.  Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 

As with all things pertaining to God and the Christian life the best starting point is always to start with the heart. God is not after our money He is after our hearts. When Jesus was teaching His disciples, He encouraged them not to hoard or stockpile wealth here on earth. He said – ‘For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’.  Matt 6:21 NKJV

Jesus was not ‘laying down the law’ to his disciples but rather teaching clear living principles with clear Biblical promises. He said, ‘generosity begets generosity’. Proverbs teach – ‘A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed (themselves)’ Prov. 11:25 NIV.

Giving should come from the heart and be done ‘by faith’, including believing that, as Jesus said, ‘what you sow, you will reap’.  Once Kathryn and I had the opportunity to give a significant gift that, by its nature, had to made public. Someone challenged us about how much faith was in our giving and said ‘otherwise you won’t get it back’. My response them was to say that ‘we gave it by faith and also by love’ and would be thrilled to do so even if it didn’t return to us in some way. But, of course, we were blessed a thousand times over since that time.

Go ahead, make your next giving decision based on ‘the faith that works by love’ Gal 5:6b NKJV


Article provided by Hope Media Ltd and published in the Real Hope Devotional Sep-Oct 2023. Ps John Scott