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Part Two: God, is that you or me?

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Key Scriptures: 1 John 4:1-5, Phil 2:1-4, Gal 5:22

1 John 4:1a NIV
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God…

The voice of God is not the only voice in your head or your ears

As we journey through life, we encounter numerous voices fighting for our attention and influencing our decisions:

  • The voice of my inspired thoughts from God

  • The voice of my inspired thoughts from the Enemy

  • The voice of people inspired by God

  • The voice of people inspired by the Enemy

  • The collective weight of voices of our culture and media   

As Christians, we are called to discern and listen to the voice of God amidst the noise. It's essential to distinguish His voice from the others and align our lives with His purpose. In this blog post, we will explore seven tests to help you recognise the voice of God and make decisions that honour Him.

  1. The Word Test: The foundation of hearing God's voice lies in aligning it with the Word of God. Does the impression you receive align with the teachings and principles of the Bible? God's Word is clear and consistent, providing a solid filter to test the validity of your decisions.

  2. The Wisdom Test: Seek advice and counsel from godly people in your church or spiritual community. Wise counsel can offer a different perspective and help you gain insight into God's will. They can guide you with the Bible's teachings, ensuring you make decisions rooted in Godly wisdom.

  3. The Jesus Test: Consider whether your decision will lead you to live and love more like Jesus. Examine your motives and intentions. Does the decision promote self-centeredness or selflessness? Will it contribute positively to your relationships and the interests of others?

  4. The Peace Test: Pay attention to the inner peace that accompanies your decision-making process. If you feel uneasy or agitated about a choice, it may not be aligned with God's plan. Seek the peace that surpasses all understanding and guides you on the right path.

  5. The Time Test: Allow time to pass before finalizing significant decisions. For optimists, this means observing whether the initial excitement sustains over time, and for pessimists, it involves verifying if apprehension lessens after thorough consideration. Give God's voice a chance to resonate with you as you patiently reflect on your options.

  6. The Conviction Test: God's conviction leads you to do what is right without condemning or overwhelming you with guilt. Unlike the enemy's accusations, God's voice provides the power to take steps forward, transforming your heart and actions.

  7. The Fit Test: Examine if the decision aligns with who God created you to be and your unique calling. Consider your temperament, values, and purpose in life. Ensure your choices are in harmony with God's design for you.

By applying these seven tests, you can cultivate a discerning heart that recognizes God's voice among the myriad of influences. Remember that God's guidance is personal and purposeful, leading you towards a life filled with love, joy, and peace as you follow His path. 

Trust in His wisdom and seek His voice, for He desires to reveal His perfect plan for your life.

Adapted from a message at City Lights Church

You can listen to the full message audio by following the link/s below.

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